BIMP-EAGA promotes market-driven and private sector-led growth. The private sector is crucial in mobilizing trade and investments to support sustainable and inclusive development in the subregion.

BIMP-EAGA at a Glance—A Statistical Information Brief
This Statistical Information Brief provides key economic indicators on trade, investment, employment, poverty, and tourism, among others.
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BIMP-EAGA's Foreign Direct Investment Laws and Regulations
While BIMP-EAGA countries have different policies governing foreign direct investments (FDIs), all four countries have set down investment laws and regulations to attract investors.
Here's an overview of each country's FDI laws and regulations.
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BIMP-EAGA Investment Incentives
BIMP-EAGA member countries have greatly expanded efforts to promote and facilitate domestic and foreign investments and to create a stable, predictable, and transparent regulatory environment.
Learn moreResults of the Business Perceptions Survey
The study identified the key factors that influence investment decisions in BIMP-EAGA economic corridors.
Investment Opportunities in Corridor Value Chains
A study supported by the Asian Development Bank explores the potential for investment in cross-border value chains in the West Borneo Economic Corridor and the Greater Sulu Sulawesi Corridor.
Joint BIMP‑EAGA and IMT-GT Tourism Recovery Communications Plan and Toolkit 2022–2024
The communications plan will be jointly implemented by member countries in cooperation with the private sector and other tourism industry stakeholders.